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Monday, December 4, 2017

Healthy Thin in Twenty Eigh-thIn

A 90 day programme and competition to be launched next month.

So go ahead with fattening up this December for a great competition next year.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Paused Blogging

I have not posted anything lately but it does not mean we are not working. In fact we have been supplying some clients of their rescue / recreational and other needs. Likewise other services have been provided too.

So for those who would like to inquire about anything related to services related to tourism services, some allied business management and marketing services, and job hunting jobs kindly text or call.

Thank you.

Ms. Rei Ann here
@ your service

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Feb 24-25, 2017 Panagbenga Specials

No place upon arrival to Baguio?

Tickets for overnight accommodation, city tour, 2 lunch, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast at The Artisan's Inn on Feb 24-25, 2016.

Get to see the parade along Session Road on the 25th.

Text or call 0916-659-9450 to buy.

Or log on to for more details.

Bboss Travel and Tours website

Trying out a template from wix

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Toastmasters Area 61-62 Competition 2017

I have been absent from "toast mastering" =attending and renewing my membership for more than a decade now.

Gladly some members sent an invite to attend the yearly competition that starts from an area or 2 in every country where toastmasters abound.

During the Impromptu Speech Competition - participant listening to the Question whereby he has to react to and deliver his speech in 2 minutes. 

His first time to attend (besides when he was still in the womb) a toastmasters competition. He opted to stay outside and listen. He probably was wondering why everyone is so quiet and attentive to the persons on the stage. (In church meetings, there are other kids, but here - he was the only small person around - hi hi).

Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to Join the Panagbenga Festival 2017 Float Parade on Feb 26, 2017?

One may not be joining the parade, but being a spectator or "entertained" by the Float Parade competition, one will appreciate the competition when we know how the participants got into it in the first place and what are the rules they need to comply with:

Here are info of the criteria and process of how to get into it - as copied from the Panagbenga Festival Official Website (pdf form) converted to jpeg form :-)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Conclusion ---- Panagbenga 2017 Opening Parade

Baby Wynx is more interested in taking the following photos of the ambulance, police cars, the garbage truck, the fire trucks and others:-) 

This is his first time to witness a Panagbenga Festival. 

City vehicle (red plate) 

The sweepers scoop up the horse' poop and transfers those to these garbage trucks.
This is an improvement. One of the reasons locals do not like watching the parade live was the crowd and the dirt that were left behind :-) 

Not as crowded as it used to be...

Am yet to see how our 25th to 26th streets will look like :-)

The Finale' - Pony Riders

Magsaysay Avenue Overpass

A-Responsible Pet Owner Panagbenga 2017

Contact Bboss:
